Lost Something ?!?!

Quite a few things around me have been lost these days. And of course the sadness and grief that accompanied all these things have been the same.

There is a friend who lost his cellphone. Another who lost his car.
One lost her precious safety pin while someone else lost his bank PIN.
One lost her CYCLE (the vehicle) while another, her boyfriend.
Someone called me up to tell me that she lost her virginity.
I lost my entire source-code.
I lost my prospective wife. I lost my prospective girlfriend too.
I lost my pair of socks as well.

People call me ABSENT-MINDED. Is there a relation?

I have lost my mind.



December 3, 2007 at 9:57 PM

I can very well understand the pain .... i am his roomie ... n even i have lost my socks ...
we both are in shocks after all this ...... god will punish that socks napper some day .. he will have to wear shoes without socks throughout his life .......


December 5, 2007 at 5:02 PM

Someone loses her virginity and she no longer remains a prospective wife/gf??!!..wake up to the realities of today's world buddy..at least she had the guts to admit it to u..u r no longer the optimist that i thght u were [:)]..


December 5, 2007 at 6:56 PM

@Anonymous,I regret if the meaning of the words turned out the way you assumed.But in no way was it supposed to be interpreted that way.Virgintiy is no big deal in today's world, I agree,as relations are built on trust.I am still the optimist that I always was.